Voters for a Green Indiana is a nonpartisan group of volunteers who take climate change seriously. We believe candidates who understand the ongoing energy and climate challenges are best qualified to lead us through these changes. Our goal is to inform voters about candidates who accept climate science, understand this is an important local & global issue, and support policies and actions to reduce carbon pollution.

Global warming has been used as a political wedge for a long time, but voters in Indiana are evolving as the signs of a changing climate become more apparent: more heatwaves, milder winters, more heavy rain events, stronger storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, more severe droughts, warming and acidifying oceans, rising sea level, etc. A Yale study shows 57% of Americans are concerned or alarmed about climate change. Here in Indiana, the Indianapolis Star reports Hoosier voters are much more concerned about climate change than ever before: 80% of survey respondents prioritize the environment over the economy, with majorities of both major political parties now in support.

The science on climate change is settled. The debate is over. The National Academy of Sciences and the US Climate Report have determined that climate change is a serious problem, and the burning of fossil fuels is the major contributing factor.

The U.S. Global Change Research Program, the government authority on climate change, reports that global warming poses a severe threat to American’s health and the country’s infrastructure, economy and natural resources, and also warns about the threat of irreversible runaway climate change.

Climate change is a local issue! The Purdue Climate Change Research Center reports on how climate change is impacting Indiana’s public health, urban green spaces, forests, agriculture, aquatic ecosystems, and energy.

Almost every major university in Indiana has an Office of Sustainability to address reduction of carbon emissions.

Climate change is a profoundly moral issue. Almost every religion has a faith-based statement on climate change and caring for God's Creation. Who doesn't want clean air, clean water, and a stable climate for our families and communities?

© 2025 Voters for a Green Indiana